Seven Years In The Making


My first trip to Georgia was in 2011 – and ever since, I’ve been working on this project. First out of a fascination for this unknown country – it was like they say, if you come to Georgia once, you will come back. Year over year this fascination grew into curiosity and the wish to know and understand more.

This photograph of an artwork by Rezo Gabriadze was one of the first ones I made – and still is one of my favorites. The original artwork can be found in the old part of Tbilisi, it decorates the wall of the Gabriadze Theater, which is one of the premiere cultural institutions in town.


__Tamar-Front-CoverWelcome to the new web site for our photobook project „Tamar, where are you?“ – an exploration of the country of Georgia through the eyes of one German and seven Georgian photographers as well as three Georgian writers.

From now on you will able to accompany the publishing process of our book here – and find many additional stories about Georgia and the participating artists.