Alex Berdysheff

Alexander Berdysheff

Starting the new year where I left the old one: with Alex Berdysheff, who is not only the owner of the kettle I was so fascinated by when I had the chance to stay in his studio  – see my last article on this blog. Above all Alex is an amazing artist and painter who you can find most of the time working in his studio.

But for him too, success in Georgia can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, there’s an interested, knowledgeable audience visiting exhibitions and openings and paying tribute to the work. Unfortunately, tribute is often all they will, there’s almost no market, which is why for Alex as well, fortune can only be found beyond the borders.

Please check out his work on his web site  – and find his and more stories like this in our book „Tamar, Where Are You?“,  which is still available here

Alexander Berdysheff

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